Ratified 2022
God values truth! Jesus petitioned the Father to “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17). The Lord understood the absolute necessity of truth and requested the Father to use truth to set apart His disciples for the purpose of bringing Him glory. Christian leaders are commanded by God to “teach what accords with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1). The careful attention to biblical detail in this Doctrinal Statement is presented to our local church with joy and great anticipation. John wrote, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 4).
This statement of faith is created to be the guide of what we teach at First Baptist Church. It represents the consensus of belief and conviction of the Elders of the church concerning what the Scriptures teach. It is provided for the general instruction, unity, and guidance of our people concerning what is taught in the Scriptures, as well as theological guardrails from which we will not deviate.
It is not expected that one must agree with the entire Doctrinal Statement before becoming a member of the church; only belief in and commitment to the Essential Doctrines below are necessary for membership (the full explanation and Scriptural basis for which are found on the following pages). Rather, the detailed statement is a challenge to everyone to search the Scriptures and see if these things are true.
All references use the ESV translation unless noted.
Reading verses without their context can lead to erroneous understanding. The Elders have sought to comprehend the context of the verses in these references to ensure proper interpretation. You, the reader, are encouraged to read them in their greater context whenever greater clarity is necessary.
SUMMARY: The 66 books of the Bible are the revealed truth of God, given by the Holy Spirit through human authors. Each word has been breathed out by God (inspired) and is therefore without error in the original writings, embodies all that is necessary for a life pleasing to God, and is the supreme and final authority in all matters upon which it speaks.
SUMMARY: There is only one living and true God, self-existent as an infinite, eternal, all-knowing Spirit, perfect in all His attributes, one in essence, existing in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—each equally deserving worship and obedience.
SUMMARY: As the second Person of the Trinity, Jesus possesses the full attributes of divinity, and in these He is coequal, consubstantial (of one and the same essence), and coeternal with the Father. He alone is the Mediator between God and man, the Head of His Body the church, and the coming universal King. He is the final Judge of all who fail to place their trust in Him as Lord and Savior.
SUMMARY: As the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit possesses the full attributes of divinity, and in these He is coequal, consubstantial (of one and the same essence), and coeternal with the Father and the Son. The Spirit works in perfect concert with the will of the Father to carry out divine activity on earth and in believers.
SUMMARY: Man was created in the image of God, to glorify God and accomplish God’s good purposes. God made man and woman equal, but different, and gifted mankind with marriage. Man sinned and rejected God, has incurred death and corruption, and is incapable of restoring what was lost and being saved from the punishment of sin.
SUMMARY: Adam’s first sin plunged mankind into spiritual darkness and alienation from God. Every human is thus born a sinner by nature, and therefore chooses to sin. Man is dead in sin, cannot free himself from slavery to sin, and, apart from God’s salvation, must suffer God’s just punishment for sin.
SUMMARY: Salvation is that gracious act of God, where, through the atoning death of Christ He redeems and reconciles certain individuals to Himself. Salvation is not on the basis of merit or works of any kind or degree. It is received as a gift through personal repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus. All who die in their sins apart from Christ have no salvation.
SUMMARY: God created angelic beings to worship Him and serve Him by carrying out His will. Fallen angels have rebelled against God, and actively seek to thwart God’s purposes. Satan is the chief fallen angel, leading the fallen angels in their opposition to God and the church. He has already been defeated through Christ’s death and resurrection.
SUMMARY: The church is the body of Christ, consisting of all true Christians. Each local church is to glorify and worship God, disciple and edify believers, and make disciples of the lost. Churches are to be elder led, with deacons specifically and members generally serving one another in love.
SUMMARY: Christ will one day rapture His saints to be with Him, followed by a seven-year period of tribulation on earth. Christ will then return, conquer the enemies of God, establish a 1,000-year reign, and usher in His eternal Kingdom. Believers will be bodily resurrected and live with Christ forever on the new earth, while unbelievers will be bodily resurrected, judged, and cast into hell forever. God the Father will then forever dwell on earth with His saints in glory.
Why a Detailed Doctrinal Statement?
A doctrinal statement is an often-neglected way to minister the Word of God to the people of God. Most churches have a doctrinal statement, but the average member of the church knows little about it, or it is too minimalistic or simplistic to be profitable. For most churches, it exists not as a teaching tool, but as a means to keep certain false teachings out of the church, or as a bare-bones listing of doctrinal beliefs for prospective visitors to review.
FBC’s What We Believe and Teach was written with the conviction that a church’s doctrinal statement should be a carefully written document that defines what the church believes and what members and attendees can expect to be actually taught from Scripture at the church. Rather than attempting to achieve unity by minimizing truth, FBC seeks to bring about true Spirit-led unity that flows from a careful objective analysis of the Spirit’s written Word.
Since our church is non-denominational and is therefore not restricted to follow any denomination’s tradition, we teach from and hold fast to a doctrinal statement that was independently fleshed out by our Elders through the careful study and exegesis of Scripture. In the process, we took the liberty to borrow from other carefully written confessions and doctrinal statements. The careful observer will note many similarities and at times exact quotations from the doctrinal statements of the following churches: Hope Bible Church (Columbia, MD), Grace Community Church (Sun Valley, CA), Countryside Bible Church (Southlake, TX), Faith Bible Church (Spokane, WA).
Though not inspired and not above Scripture, this doctrinal statement gives our church a strong foundation for life and ministry. It is used to train leaders in the church, extend the message that is preached in the worship service, challenge prospective members with organized biblical truth, expose newcomers to a richer understanding of the Bible, and as a tool for discipleship among believers.
May God establish and edify His people through the unfolding of His perfect Word!